Friday, January 1, 2016


      According to Roman mythology, JANUS, the name of one of the multitudinous Roman deities, is  from where the word for January derives.  The god Janus is depicted with a double head; one looking back, and one looking forward. It is a good depiction because the month of January, being the beginning of the new year, is the time when those in business take inventory, to track the business progress for the year just completed, and take stock and make plans for the coming year.  This is also a good time for individuals to take stake and examine themselves and see how they measured up during the previous year and and to plan for amendments and resolutions to make their lives better in the coming year.

GOD's Word, the Bible, has something to say about this examination process when we look back at the failures and the successes that we might have had in the year just completed.

      "...but this one thing I do:  forgetting those things which I are behind; and reaching forth unto those things which are before; I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"  Philipians 3:13b

As we look back over the previous year we might see failures and places where we did not measure up to our expectations. We should not be discouraged or distressed in any way.  We need to use these failures as springboards and motivation to spur us on to improve and do better in the coming year.  We might, on the other hand find Successes and great victories that we achieved during 2015.  We can't
allow ourselves to get too puffed up and big headed about any successes we might have had.  Improvements can always be made.  No matter how great the successes, we must always strive to do better. 

According to the above scripture, whether successes or failures, we must forget those things. They are in the Past.  We must press to set our goals higher and strive to meet them.  And for the Christian, our highest goal is the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!!

                           HAPPY NEW YEAR