Thursday, May 2, 2013


   They tell us that confession is good for the soul.  I know that that is true, because the Bible says it is so, and I believe that the Bible is God's infallible, Holy Word.
   So, I have a confession to make.  At the beginning of the year, I made a pledge that I would post something, every day; Monday-Saturday, even if only a few sentences, or even a few words.  I fell off that bandwagon.  
    On April the 1st, I did a post.  On April 3 I started a post. I finished it last night, May 01, 2013.  So today is a sort of confession, and getting back on the right track.  I will work towards getting a post every day Monday - Saturday;  even if I write only a few words, or a few lines.  After all, this blog is about me.  As I build my business, I want to have someplace where I can refer people to so that they can learn about me and what makes me tick.

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