Wednesday, June 26, 2013


     It seems to be appropriate to talk about this today seeing that the United States Supreme Court had a ruling today on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and the California (Prop 8) issue.  Yesterday the Michigan Legislature started working on a bill that would attempt to overturn the amendment to the Michigan Constitution that prohibits same sex marriage.

     What is the most dangerous thing regarding same-sex marriage?   It isn't the fact that same sex 'partner's can't procreate. And that violates God's first command to be fruitful and multiply.  And it isn't the fact that a nuclear family with a father and a mother is the foundational building block of human society.  And it is, but it is not the most dangerous thing

Saturday, June 15, 2013


     A good example of focusing at the task at hand is taken from the life of Henry (Hank) Aaron who broke Babe Ruth's home-run record.
      During the 1957 World Series, Yankee catcher Yogi Berra noticed that Aaron grasped the bat the wrong way.  "Turn it, he said,  so you can see the trademark."  But Hank kept his mind on the pitcher's mound.  "Didn't come up here to read.  Came up here to hit."  

      This Anecdote from the life of Hank Aaron is taken from the "Little Brown Book of Anecdotes"  page 3.  General Editor Clifton Radiman.

Friday, June 14, 2013


   It's a brand new day today. Each day is a gift from God himself.  The first thing each morning is that we should fall on  our knees, and that Almighty God that he allowed us to wake up to another day of life.  

     If we are not saved, that means another day of mercy;  for while there is 'life', there is still 'hope'.  We can only get saved and right with God, while we have life and breath and rationality.    

    If we are saved, we should rejoice, because we have another day to know, and walk with him as the children of God.  He gives us 'heaven' on earth; and then we have the prospect of finally making it to heaven when we die.

    So, let us use each day wisely, for remember Each Day Is A Gift!


Monday, June 10, 2013


   Today, it is Monday June 10, 2013.  Right now, Sunday's and Monday's are my favorite days of the week.  I get to sleep in, relax and lay low on Mondays.  Today I got the oil changed in my car, and did some needed grocery shopping. the rest of the day I relaxed.  
     This week marks the mid point of the month.  There are 10, 11 more days until the Summer Soltice which marks the first day of the Summer season

Saturday, June 8, 2013


     It is said in the Bible, in fact, it is the last verse of John Chapter 2, that the Lord Jesus Christ, did not commit himself to any man because He knew what was in man.   

     We tend to be to naive and trusting with people that we don't  really, truly know. Sometimes we can get hurt badly because of it.  We don't really know who anybody really is.  Sometimes we don't really know ourselves, unless Almighty God, reveals ourselves to us.  So the message is, we need to put absolute trust in God, and to those people that God puts in our pathways like Godly Pastors, Parents Close Friends, Spouses we trust conditionally.  Other people we need to give the benefit of the doubt.   

    Nearly a year ago, I befriended a young man whose father I knew and loved.  I am trying to help him and his family in several ways.  Because I don't really know who he is really, or where he is coming from, I can only really rely on what he is telling me.  I want to believe that he is truthful, but every once in a while, the criticism comes to me that I am being too naive, and my young friend isn't being genuine. 

   What I will do is to give my friend the benefit of the doubt, and continue to try and help him and his family; but I will keep my eyes open, and keep my mind open to what God shows me about the relationship.  I will be prayerful and watchful, and I will not be foolish and over commit.

Friday, June 7, 2013


   In the Holy Bible, in the Book of Revelation, which is the last book of the Bible, we are told that one day, an angel of God will set one foot on land, the other foot on the sea and declare with a loud, solemn voice, that there shall be time no longer. The Bible also says in Proverbs 27:1 "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."
    We have no promise of tomorrow.  Yesterday is past, a closed book; never to be opened again.  So the only time we have is today;  the only thing we are promised, so:

  • If you've got something to do, do it today;
  • If you've got something to say, say it today;
  • If you've got somewhere to go, go there today;
  • If you've got something to be, or achieve; make sure you attempt it today
  • If you've got kindness to show, good words to say; show it, and say it today
  • If you've got forgiveness to ask, or forgiveness to give; ask it or give it today

 Today is all we got.  Yesterday is past.  Tomorrow will never come.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


    In February, this year, I turned 60 years old.  That was 4 months ago.  Today, June 06, as I was going through my morning, all-of-a-sudden, the thoughts were coming to me:  I can't believe it, I am 60 years old!  I still feel like I am growing up.  I am youthful in my mind, and young in my spirit.  
    Last year, I did retire from my job after working for the Federal Government for 32 years.  It's been nearly 30 years since I served on active duty with the US Army.  And this month it will be 42 years since I graduated from High School.  I have gone to the same church for 42 years.  
     I've always said that everyone has a book inside of them waiting to be written.  Well, I've got a life worth of events, stories, and memories, indeed a book waiting to be written.  It only seems like just yesterday.
    This is the perfect post to follow the one I did yesterday: "Time flies when you're having fun"  For I've enjoyed my life so far.  
    As far as being just "a young child growing up", that's what I am!  You see, as a Christian, I am in God's family as a child.  He wants me to have simple child-like faith and trust; not thinking that I know anything and that I can guide the course of my own life, but looking to him as a trusting child.
    I believe that God still has further plans for my life, and the best days are still ahead.  
    I guess I am still just a child.....

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


    I just heard the clock on my laptop computer say, "It's 11:00PM".  It's my bedtime.  I had no Idea that it was that late.  I got home from Church tonight after 0800P.  I cooked a hamburger, and was working at registering my new Kindle Fire which was shipped to me today.  I watched part of a video movie I purchased recently on US Submarines during WW II.  I sent a couple of emails that I needed to send out.  And I started writing this blog post.  I just heard the computer say, "It's 11:00"  I will finish this now, and get ready for bed.

Until Tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


      Yesterday, on Monday, I had some business to do downtown.  I walked downtown.  Among other things, I got a haircut.  I stopped and had lunch at the American Coney Island.   I happened to see one of the employees who was bussing the tables.  I said, "This must be a great place to work."  He answered, "Sometimes it is not so great."  By the way he said it, I could tell that some days he caught it from his boss, or maybe he came upon some customers who were hard to handle.
    Today, I had a situation like that where one of the people that I was called upon to serve was an extremely tough customer.  If ever I met a woman who had a man's spirit, it was this person.  We all might these particular type of people with whom we can't get along with or jiust barely.  It seems super hard to work with them or just to tolerate them.
   Understate that life is not a bed of roses.  Some days are like that and you will meet with disagreeable people.  But as you push ahead what what you know to do\ and not let yourself become upset;  there are the things give  strength, and make us strrong..

Saturday, June 1, 2013


   In the book of Ecclesiastes, in the bible, the admonition is given-Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it will all thy might.  Whatever we put our hand to, we need to perform to the best of our ability and put forth our best creative effort.  Most times  that means going at a pace that seems pitifully slow for us-but really, we mustn't rush through life.  We need to take time and smell the roses
   I will share an anecdote from the life of Igor Stravinsky.  He was a Russian composer who gave the world the Firebird Suite, Petruska, and The Rite of Spring-Le Sacre du Printemps:
    "Stravinsky's publisher, impatient to publish his latest composition, urged him to hurry it's completion.  "Hurry," exclaimed the enraged composer.  "I never hurry.  I have no time to hurry.""
   That says it all right there.  If we are doing anything worthwhile, we must take time to get the job done right, the first time.  Anything less then our best is not worth the time.

Thea anecdote from the life of Igor Stravinsky was taken from the "Little Brpwn Book of Anecdotes, p. 528;  Clifton Fadiman General Editor