Something happened in my life which changed everything. Up to this point, the timing wasn't right for me to join the Military. I had something happen to me which at the time was a great sadness that I couldn't understand. I found myself living again with my Parents, and without a job at that particular point. I was at the hospital visiting either my grandfather or the woman to whom my grandfather was married; when the suggestion came to mind that it was time to think again about enlisting in the Army. At this point the timing was absolutely right. I went and approached the recruiter. I took care of the preliminaries: physical, ASVAB, DLAB. On July 27 1981 I enlisted in the US Army as a Russian voice interceptor for which I needed to learn Russian. That night I was off to Fort Leonardwood Missouri for Basic Training.
The timing was right. It had not been right 6 years prior when I first had tried to enlist; nor 2 years before in 1979. But things had changed to where the timing was perfect in 1981. That is one thing we have to keep in mind in our Network Marketing Business. The prospects that say 'no" today, who can tell what their situation will be like a year or so down the road. Life isn't static. Things have a tendency t0 move around and change. So what is a 'NO' today, could very well turn out to be a 'YES" at a later date. Somestimes sooner rather than later. The important thing is don't give up or prejudge someone just because they say no once. NEVER take them off your list. Periodically contact them. Buid a relationship. You may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
While I am at it, I will tell you the last chapter about timing and my Military experience. When I enlisted I was going through a dark tunnel experience. My first inclination was to look at the Army as a carreer and stay in. Some how More than half-way through I decided that being to much of an individual, that the Army or Military wasn't for me. So I ended up getting out after 4 years. I was in a regular Reserve unit in Detroit for a year and the remainder of the reserve committment was spent in the Individual Ready Reserve. Had I stayed in I never would have gone back to the IRS, I am a career IRS employee, And one day a friend with whom I had lost touch, saw me downtown one day. The started a chain of events which worked to lift and help me recover from the great darkness which I was in. So as you can see from what I've related about my own life that timing plays an important roling in our personal lives; also in our business. NEVER GIVE UP!
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