When I graduated from High School in 1971, the Vietnam War wasstill going on. That year, I'd jsut turned 18 years old, and I registered with Selective Service because it was the law. They had just started the Draft Lottery. They drew by birthdates. My birthdate in the first drawing was very low. I started into the university the fall after graduation. so I was able to get a College Deferment. Thankfully, praise God, that I didn't get drafted, because it was during this period of my life that God had awakened me to see my need of a Saviour, had led me to a good church, some good people, and eventually I got saved. So it was really important to me and my life that I didn't get drafted at that time
In 1975, due to a recruiting brochure which was published by the US Navy. I almiost enlisted for 6 years on active duty, in the Navy's Nuclear Power program. I went and took the Military physical examination, and I took the ASVAB 'Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery. This is a series of tests designed to measure ones aptitude to learn the various types of occupations represented in the Military Services. They got a slot for me to go to Boot Camp at Great Lakes. All that remained for me to do was to come back and raise my right hand, get sworn in. The enlistment would be completed, and I would be on my way to Boot Camp. I got up that morning troubled about whether I was doing the right thing. I was expecting that God had a plan for my life, and I didn't at that point want to tie up my life for 6 years. So, I called my recruiter that morning, and told him that I wasn't going through with it.
There were a lot of things happening in my life in 1979. Among them was a period of unemployment, when I moved back in with my Parents. As it turned out, I nearly joined the Military again, this time it was the Army. I was interested in the Linguistic program, and learning a foriegn language. This enlistment would have been for 4 years on Active Duty.. Again I took the physical, the ASVAB battery, I took a special test-(DLAB) test which measured my potential for learning a Forieign Language. I got a slot for Basic Training, and the Language School in Monterey California. Again, I came right up to the point of Raising My Hand, and getting Sworn in as an enlisted person. I backed out of it. Again feeling that the time wasn't right.
Timing is everything in life. In business also. There are some prospects you talk to, and at the time they are not interested. But who can tell in the future, a year or two down the road, what will change in their lives, to where they might become interested. We can never give up on people. Those people , not interested, whom you talk to today, keep them on your list. Make occasional contact with them. You never know just when things will be different for them.
In the next Post, I will relate how in 1981, I did enlist in the Army. This time the timing was right.
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