26 years ago, in 1981 I was in Basic Training at Fort LeonardWood Missouri. I went to basic training on July 27. We didn't get paid until the end of August. In the Military there is a mid-month pay; and then there is a pay at the end of the month. Of course in basis training, we wait until they get ready to pay us.
If you are in a network marketing company, It is imperative that you know your company's pay plan. Even though It really isn't all about the money, compensation is a mojor part of why you are in Network Marketing. You've got to be able to see how you can generate the residual income that you are looking to generate. How often will you receive a check: every week, month, three months. It is important that you research the pay plan that your company offiers. 'How many people do you need to sponsor to achieves the goals and dreams that you have. Many people that start with a network marketing company don't have a clue'
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