Recently, I mentioned that 26 years ago, I was in Basic Training in Fort Leornardwood Missouri for the United States Army. There were a lot of failures I had. I was 28 years old when I enlisted in the Army. Even though I ran Cross Country, and Track when I was in High School, At 28 my stamina wasn't what it should have been, and I found it hard to keep up with the pace of the Company runs. I had a lot of inhibitions that hindered me when it came to the Obstacle Courses, and the Confidence courses which the Unit trained on. When it came to the Fire and Manuever taining, I found myself moving like a truck. I had one of the Company Drill sargents. Sgt Jantzen tell me "Havis, you're not going to make it as a Soldier". And when it came to the Grenade Course, i failed it, and had to be rescheduled to take it over. Finally, I had some type of physical affliction where i feet were swelling up, and i missed a day of marching on them
I had some things that were successes. I managed to qualify with my M-16 the first go-around. I practically aced the "END OF CYCLE TEST on the soldiering skills that we had learned in Basic Combat Training. I managed to pass the Army Physical Training Test (APRT); and I gained the respect and admiration of my fellow recruits.
What made the difference? I NEVER GAVE UP.. This week, some one sent me a story about what it takes to be a finisher. The MORAL is this. If you want to be a Finisher, DON'T GIVE UP!!
This goes Double, Even Triple, if you are trying to build a business. I can guarantee you, it will be a struggle. Nothing in life ever comes easy; Learning all the skillls necessary to talk to people; learn what is necessary to manage your business will all take effort and hard work. Success will not come EASY. But one thing is for sure, IF YOU QUIT. YOU WILL FAIL. GUARANTEED!!! KEEP HANGING IN THERE! EVENTUALLY, SUCCESS WILL COME IF YOU DON'T QUIT.
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