Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Several days ago, I shared with you that oftentimes by meditating on a story or picture from the past that we start to feel the same feelings that we felt when the event originally happened. I am going to share two memories from my life where I can still remember and actually experience the feelings that were associated with these two events from the past. In October of 1962, I was ten years old, and in the fourth grade. At this particular time the Soviet Union tried to secretly put nuclear missiles in Cuba. Our satellites had picked them out. There was a confrontation between President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Krushchev.. There was a lot of tension in the air. I came home from school one afternoon. I came into the living room. Either the television or the radio was on. There was a newscaster who was talking about the latest news about the Cuban Missle Crisis. All at once I was aware of feeling fear. The fear that we might be going to war, and that It might be a nuclear war. As I am meditating, and reliving this incident, I am experiencing again the tension that was in the air, and I definitely can remember and can feer the fear that I expeienced. From 1981-1985 I served on active duty in the Army. I served in Germany during the years of 1983, 1984, The day after thanksgiving that year I received orders to come back to the USA for my last 6 months in the Army. I was to leave for home on the day after Christmas, 12/26/1984. I was really looking forward to coming back home and seeing my family; parents, and siblings again after two years in Europe. My roots are in the Detroit Michigan area, and I had an intense longing and feeling of anticipation which I experience whenever I meditate on the event. I also recall the feelings of anxiety which I felt as I was pressing to get every thing prepared to depart from Germany. There were several hindrances, and roadblocks which caused me to despair that I would be able to make it in time. And I reexperience the intense feeling of relief which I felt when I got everything done. How does this relate to Success in Network Marketing? I will discuss that in tomorrow's post.

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