Saturday, July 28, 2007


Yesterday, I gave an example of how telling a story from your past might be able to engage a prospect emotions which will form a bond, build trust and possibly result in a customer for your business. Today I am going to give an example of how telling a story which appeals to the emotions might land a potential business partner.

Suppose you are talking to a potential prospect. You are listening to them say "Although I have a good job, I just can't seem to make ends meet; I'm struggling to keep my head above water." After prequalifying them by asking "Would you like to do something about it?" You start telling them about the time in your life when times were tough. Perhaps your checking account was overdrawn; your credit cards were maxed out. You were forced to downgrade to a smaller house or apartment. Things were so tight that you could scarely breathe or turn around. As you are relating this, the pictures of these actual situations are coming to mind, and you actually start to relive and experience the worry that we felt; the tightness in the finances that seemed to sap your strength, and made you dread to answer the phone because of the bill collectors that were calling. As these feeling come back to you, you are really starting to become engaged and involved in relating the story. Your energy level is rising and your prospect can feel it . They can sense the intensity level and depth of emotion in your voice. If they can relate at all to what you are saying, and their emotions are stirred then a bond is created. They start to identify with you, and trust is begun. You still have to reel them in. but you have the possibity of getting a potential business partner. MORE LATER

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