HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I know that it is Tuesday, January 15; already Mid-January. But this is my first post of 2013. In fact, the is my first post since January 2010. So as far as I'm concerned, it is Happy New Year.
I want to make a commitment here. Since, I am writing this as a kind of snapshot of my life; it is my aim and goal to write some kind of post, Monday-Saturday; even it is only just a few lines, I want to write every day; showing a portion of my life, and what is important to me
January is named for the Roman god Janus. This Roman deity is pictured as double faced. One face looks back into the past. The other face looks ahead into the future. That is exactly what we need to do this time of the year. We can use the month of January to look back into the past, and take stock of where we are in life now. How well is your life going. What things in the past, led us to where we are today? And we need also to look ahead into the future; to where we want to be. Some people make resolutions at the beginning of the year. I don't! I prefer to make goals for myself; breaking them down into measurable steps; giving myself deadlines for their accomplishment. I believe in the
'SLIGHT EDGE' principle. This principle contends that making positive incremental steps forward on a consistent basis generates momentum. And that is powerful. It is always deeply encouraging when you can feel yourself growing as a person, and your life progressing ahead in a forward direction.
2012 was a big year for me:
- I retired from my full-time job with Internal Revenue Service on July 31, 2012-nearly six months ago. Along with my 4 years on Active Duty with the Army during the early 1980's, I have 32 years in with the Federal Government. I haven't been a couch potato. I have been volunteering my time, 30 hours a week, to the Evangelistic Ministry that the Pastor of my church operates in Inner-City Detroit. It is very satisfying and fulfilling to me. I want to live my life as part of the 'Solution' and not part of the problem. I am working on a Home Business 10+ hours a week. I am working to build an income each month to supplement my pension from the Federal Government. And I go to my church for worship 3 times a week
- This fall, October 13, 2012, I received my bachelors degree from Ashford University in Business Administration. This was the culmination of a 41 year dream since the first college credit I earned was in 1971.
As you may know, I have been a Born-again Christian since 1978. Faith is an important part of my life. I view everything in life from a Biblical perspective, and a Christian paradigm.
I can guarantee that all of my posts will not be this lengthy; in fact most of them won't. I just wanted to give you an update on where my life is now, 01/15/2013
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