Friday, January 25, 2013


    I have been a lifelong bachelor.  I don't have any natural children.  Sometimes, though, I refer to my cats as my children.  It is not that I don't like dogs.  I made the decision quite a few years ago, that I would rather have a cat as a pet, because they require less maintenance than a dog.  As I had a full-time job, an active church life, and spend minimal time at my apartment, I felt that it wouldn't be fair to the animal, if I had a dog, who requires a lot more attention than a cat.  
   Today, I have 3 cats which are sharing my apartment with me.  This is the third time in my adult life that I've had multiple cats.   In 2002, I had 2 purebred Maine Coons who were brother and sister. and I had a purebred Norwegian Forest Cat.   In April of 2008, I had an accident.  I was hit by a car as a pedestrian. I had a bone broken in each leg.  I was off work for 6 months while I was in recovery.  A colleague of mine from work ran a Cat Rescue with his wife.  The second day after my accident, he offered  to look to take my cats and look after them while I was in recovery and indisposed.   After 10 days at the hosiptal where I endured four surgeries, and 45 days at a Rehabilitation hospital,  I was a resident in a rehabilitation system where I was in an independent living situation.  In June of that year, during the time I was in independent living, both my Maine Coons, Empress, and Rusty, brother and sister, unexpectedly died within days of one another.  They could have been environmentally poisoned, as I had some problems with bugs, and was fumigating on a regular basis; or there could have been some genetic issues as they were  both related.  The Veternerian's verdict was they died of acute liver failure.  At this point, I still don't know exactly.
     The only one of three that survived was Elsa Golden-Belle.  She is my little Norwegian Forest Cat.   I still have her.  She was born in May 2001, and today is 11, nearly 12 years old.  Presently she needs to be groomed and has several large mats in her coat which I've been unable to remove myself.  I adopted a rescue cat in 2009.  He is a male, and a Maine Coon mix.  His name is Spaz.  The foster owner, I adopted him from told me she called him Spaz because as a kitten was 'climbing the walls'.  Today, he is 4 1/2 years old, and had mellowed out.  He was born 4/1/2008, which incidently was the date of the accident I mentioned above.  This fact alone, endears the cat to me.  He is a big cat; about 15 lbs.  People, sometimes do a double take  because he is so big  His coat is Silver Blue, so he is a really nice looking pet.  He has a wonderful, affectionate, outgoing personality.   Several months ago, I opened my home to a friend's cat.  The friend is in transit between homes.  She is a purebred Maine Coon.  She is a little more than 2 years old.  She has a long body, but is ganglely.  At 2 years old, a cat or a dog is little more than an adolescent.  I have had my two cats both altered but she is still intact.  Presently, she is in heat, and is acting strangely, and is making lots of noises.  It help her at night for me to confine in the cat carrier.  Something about it, apparently makes her feel safer and more secure.  I am presently in the process of making an appointment to have her spade.

See You Tomorrow!


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