Saturday, January 19, 2013


       In yesterdays post, I talked about setting goals, and not making resolutions.  Magnificent goals; which are attainable, measurable,  and will add something worthwhile to your life.  The Pastor of my church, from whom I absorbed a great deal of wisdom; both spiritual and secular; has always told us that we need to learn to 'Kick Above Our Heads'

      Yesterday, I mentioned how I set goal in each of the major areas of my life:  Financial, Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Social;  etc.  These areas may vary depending upon the issues that are important in your life.

    In this post, I am going to take one of areas that I need some help with, Money Management.  That falls into the Financial area, or so it seems to me.   I do not balance my Checkbook;  which is bad news.  Especially for me since, I am endeavoring to start a Home Business.
    So, this year, I will set for my self a goal of balancing my checkbook each month. 40 years ago, when I opened my first checking account, I learned to balance it.  But, because I have been plagued by laziness during my life time, that good habit of balancing my checkbook each month went by the wayside.
    For me, that certainly is a magnificent and worthwhile goal.  And it is certainly attainable.  When I attain this, it will be a milestone in my life, as I seek to attain, and maintain control over my finances.
   As  I set the goal, I will diagram in detail, steps which I need to take in order to attain it.  I will add a time deadline to the goal, when I plan to hit the goal.

I will detail the Steps which I need to take to begin Balancing  my Checkbook each month in Monday's post. 

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