Friday, January 18, 2013


     A lot of people are in the habit of making New Year's resolutions;  I don't!  Resolutions are fine.  The start of a new year is an excellent time to make changes, form new habits, and start over.  However too many people make grandiose resolutions like!  "I am going to lose 90 lbs. this year"; or  "I am going to give up cigarette smoking this year".  Now both of these items  maybe doable.  But one sets themselves up for failure because they have absolutely no conception how they are going to arrive at the desired outcome.  So before the month of January is up, or before then, they've given up on their resolution.
    I prefer to set goals in each one of the major areas of my life:  


     In each one of these areas, I set a magnificent goal that is doable:

  • What do I mean by a magnificent goal?  Remember, yesterday I said that Mediocrity is 'just doing enough to get by;  just striving to survive.  Choose a goal that is worthy of your time.  If you accomplish this goal, it will be worthwhile.
  • Remember the saying: The journey of 1000 miles begins with the very first step;  and the answer to the question?  How do you eat an elephant, and the answer is, 'one bite at a time'
REMEMBER - The Slight Edge principle states that:  Positive, Incremental Forward Steps done on a consistent basis will bring  
unstoppable momentum.

More on this Tomorrow!

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