Monday, July 30, 2007

TIMING IS EVERYTHING;Enlisting in the Military

When I graduated from High School in 1971, the Vietnam War wasstill going on. That year, I'd jsut turned 18 years old, and I registered with Selective Service because it was the law. They had just started the Draft Lottery. They drew by birthdates. My birthdate in the first drawing was very low. I started into the university the fall after graduation. so I was able to get a College Deferment. Thankfully, praise God, that I didn't get drafted, because it was during this period of my life that God had awakened me to see my need of a Saviour, had led me to a good church, some good people, and eventually I got saved. So it was really important to me and my life that I didn't get drafted at that time

In 1975, due to a recruiting brochure which was published by the US Navy. I almiost enlisted for 6 years on active duty, in the Navy's Nuclear Power program. I went and took the Military physical examination, and I took the ASVAB 'Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery. This is a series of tests designed to measure ones aptitude to learn the various types of occupations represented in the Military Services. They got a slot for me to go to Boot Camp at Great Lakes. All that remained for me to do was to come back and raise my right hand, get sworn in. The enlistment would be completed, and I would be on my way to Boot Camp. I got up that morning troubled about whether I was doing the right thing. I was expecting that God had a plan for my life, and I didn't at that point want to tie up my life for 6 years. So, I called my recruiter that morning, and told him that I wasn't going through with it.

There were a lot of things happening in my life in 1979. Among them was a period of unemployment, when I moved back in with my Parents. As it turned out, I nearly joined the Military again, this time it was the Army. I was interested in the Linguistic program, and learning a foriegn language. This enlistment would have been for 4 years on Active Duty.. Again I took the physical, the ASVAB battery, I took a special test-(DLAB) test which measured my potential for learning a Forieign Language. I got a slot for Basic Training, and the Language School in Monterey California. Again, I came right up to the point of Raising My Hand, and getting Sworn in as an enlisted person. I backed out of it. Again feeling that the time wasn't right.

Timing is everything in life. In business also. There are some prospects you talk to, and at the time they are not interested. But who can tell in the future, a year or two down the road, what will change in their lives, to where they might become interested. We can never give up on people. Those people , not interested, whom you talk to today, keep them on your list. Make occasional contact with them. You never know just when things will be different for them.

In the next Post, I will relate how in 1981, I did enlist in the Army. This time the timing was right.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I told you that on weekends I was going to start sharing what Normal weekend stuff is for me. However this weekend is not normal because on Saturday, I attended a seminar which was entitled, "Strategies for Success" It was hosted by Tom (Big Al) Schreiter, a MLM 'Icon' and by Jerry Clark who is a TOP trainer in the Network Marketing Industry. An of course, I was successful in finding someone who filled in for me in my volunteer work that I do each Saturday in my Pastor's inner-city Ministry. So I spent 8 hours this Saturday listen to some dynamic and inspiring Information.

Normally my Saturday morning begins, after I fully wake up, and get myself together, with a trip to Detroit's Eastern Market, or farmer's market. The Eastern Market is located in a corner of downtown Detroit right behind Ford Field where the Detroit Lions play and right behind Comerica Park where the Detroit Tigers play ball.

In the late 1980's, the Church where I attend purchase some Pulpit Furniture including a Plant Stand which is located on the speaker's platform to one side of the Pulpit. Each week, a different church member donates a specified amount of money to purchase cut flowers for the Sunday services, and Wednesday night Service. More often then not a dedication is made by the person who purchased the flowers.

I have had the privilege of going to the market each week and picking out the flowers. I have been doing it for 15-20 years. I have a creative streak about me, and I really enjoy the challenge of matching different types of flowers to build a suitable arrangement.

I will relate this to Network Marketing in two ways. #1 Be creative in building your business. The sky is the limit. If you have a good company, and good people in back of you, it will take creativity, and persistence on your part to make it happen. It is not about the externa factors, it is about you and your determination. Also #2. Don't change who you are. Be yourselve. People can spot a phony a mile away.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Yesterday, I gave an example of how telling a story from your past might be able to engage a prospect emotions which will form a bond, build trust and possibly result in a customer for your business. Today I am going to give an example of how telling a story which appeals to the emotions might land a potential business partner.

Suppose you are talking to a potential prospect. You are listening to them say "Although I have a good job, I just can't seem to make ends meet; I'm struggling to keep my head above water." After prequalifying them by asking "Would you like to do something about it?" You start telling them about the time in your life when times were tough. Perhaps your checking account was overdrawn; your credit cards were maxed out. You were forced to downgrade to a smaller house or apartment. Things were so tight that you could scarely breathe or turn around. As you are relating this, the pictures of these actual situations are coming to mind, and you actually start to relive and experience the worry that we felt; the tightness in the finances that seemed to sap your strength, and made you dread to answer the phone because of the bill collectors that were calling. As these feeling come back to you, you are really starting to become engaged and involved in relating the story. Your energy level is rising and your prospect can feel it . They can sense the intensity level and depth of emotion in your voice. If they can relate at all to what you are saying, and their emotions are stirred then a bond is created. They start to identify with you, and trust is begun. You still have to reel them in. but you have the possibity of getting a potential business partner. MORE LATER

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I am going to talk about the power of Emotional Story Telling Doug Jarvis, a Network Marketing Leader in my upline, instructs that "STORIES sell, facts just tell. Now what actually sells is the Emotional Impact of a story. For Instance: Say you are talking to a prospect customer. The Company you are affiliated with markets a life-changing line of Health and Wellness products. You listen to you prospect say that they have a health issue with severe migraine headache that they've suffered with 15 years or more; and they are not getting any better. Imediately, the picture comes to you that you used to deal with the same problem. Then you started taking a regimen of the Company's products that was specially designed for dealing with the crippling headache. THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! As you start telling this story, you are going back in your mind, and actually reliving the Intense pain that you suffered with for years; and also the RELIEF which you felt when you were finally able to get free from the migraines. As you are telling this; because you are seeing the pictures in your mind, and feeling the feelings; you are becoming more engaged, excited, and your intensity level is rising. Perhaps the volume of voice is rising a bit. All of this is heard by the person to whom you are talking. They are sensing the Passion, Excitement, and the Emotional involvement you have in the story you are telling. If they can relate to what you are saying; if they begin to have some emotional involvement; if they can see themselve in what you are relating, then you will start to form a bond with that person. Trust will begin. They will start to sell themselves on whatever product they are considering. You, potentially, have gained yourself a Customer for your business.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Several days ago, I shared with you that oftentimes by meditating on a story or picture from the past that we start to feel the same feelings that we felt when the event originally happened. I am going to share two memories from my life where I can still remember and actually experience the feelings that were associated with these two events from the past. In October of 1962, I was ten years old, and in the fourth grade. At this particular time the Soviet Union tried to secretly put nuclear missiles in Cuba. Our satellites had picked them out. There was a confrontation between President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Krushchev.. There was a lot of tension in the air. I came home from school one afternoon. I came into the living room. Either the television or the radio was on. There was a newscaster who was talking about the latest news about the Cuban Missle Crisis. All at once I was aware of feeling fear. The fear that we might be going to war, and that It might be a nuclear war. As I am meditating, and reliving this incident, I am experiencing again the tension that was in the air, and I definitely can remember and can feer the fear that I expeienced. From 1981-1985 I served on active duty in the Army. I served in Germany during the years of 1983, 1984, The day after thanksgiving that year I received orders to come back to the USA for my last 6 months in the Army. I was to leave for home on the day after Christmas, 12/26/1984. I was really looking forward to coming back home and seeing my family; parents, and siblings again after two years in Europe. My roots are in the Detroit Michigan area, and I had an intense longing and feeling of anticipation which I experience whenever I meditate on the event. I also recall the feelings of anxiety which I felt as I was pressing to get every thing prepared to depart from Germany. There were several hindrances, and roadblocks which caused me to despair that I would be able to make it in time. And I reexperience the intense feeling of relief which I felt when I got everything done. How does this relate to Success in Network Marketing? I will discuss that in tomorrow's post.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


As mentioned in yesterday's post, having a timeline of ones life builds a treasure trove or cashbox of Relatable Stories that you can have to draw upon when you are talking to a prospect, or when you are mentoring and training a person within your organization. We are emotional people. The way that we build relationships and get people to bond with us is to appeal to their emotions. We can easily do that by having relatable stories. When we are talking for instance to a prospect, and we draw a story out of our past, which is appropriate and relatable, the chances are very good that we will connect with the person we are talking with. They will hear the passion and the intensity that we are telling the story with. Their emotions will be aroused, and we will be able to bond with them. The hook will be in their jaw. We will then have a good chance of reeling the fish in.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Nearly ten years ago, when I was going through a period of darkness, and intense struggle in my life, I was aware of an inner impression to construct a timeline of my life. I was to start from the earliest recollections of childhood, and continue down to the present. I was to attach 'Hard Dates' to the events as much as possible; if not I was to approximate the date; but the main thing was to keep the events in proper chronological sequence. So for 10 years or so, I've been constructing my timeline. It is definitely a work in progress; in fact it's hard for me to say how close to being finished i am. The process has been quite an encouragement and a help to me in my personal life. As I go back and recall the events which I can remember, I relive them. Not only that, but many times, not only the pictures come back to me but also the feelings that I was feeling at the time. The events of our life are recorded in our subconscious mind, and are linked together like a chain link fence. If you can picture an event or memory from the past, often times the the event or memory linked to that which you are meditating on will begin to surface also. This process has helped me to see the trail I've come over; and it has helped me to be more resolute and focused about where I'm headed But that is not the real story here. The picture which I'm trying to convey is that a Timeline can be a Treasure Trove of relatable stories, which is an aid to relationship building, and a boon in buiding a Network Marketing Business

Sunday, July 22, 2007


This past Friday somebody asked me, in fact quite regularly on fridays, somebody asks me, "Tom, do you have any special plans for the weekend?" I answered, "No, just normal weekend stuff." Today, I'm going to list just what 'Normal Weekend Stuff' means for me. And on subsequent weekends I am going to discuss each one of the items in detail. I want to open up a window into my life so you can see where I am coming from, and that I am a real person. Here are the events of my weekend: SATURDAY A. I go to the Eastern Market (Farmer's Market in Detroit) to purchase cut flowers for the Sunday church service. B. Volunteer in my Pastor's inner-city Ministry. Man her ministry door from 1000am to 0200pm on Saturday's C. We have a prayer meeting from 0300-0400pm D. I help to clean the Church and Sunday School area; preparing it for Sunday morning worship E. I read through and prepare my Sunday School lesson. I teach one of the adult bible study classess F. I prepare a list of people I want to try and talk to the during the coming week for my Network Marketing Business G. I have some personal development time. I listen to cd's : read inspiring books; participate in a skill's building conference call; maybe a mastermind call. SUNDAY'S A. I teach the Adult Sunday Bible Study, (as I mentioned earlier) B. We have our morning worship service C . I go to see my friend in the nursing home D. Take a Nap E. We have our evening church service at 0600PM F. Get prepared for Monday AM On subsequent weekends I will be discussing each of these items; one at a time, trying to relate it to relationship building and being successful in Network Marketing.

Friday, July 20, 2007


As I mentioned in yesterdays post, Network Marketing is a relationship building busines;not a sales business. Your Success or lack of success in this industry entirely depends upon the number and the quality of relationships that you are able to build with your Prospects. You must attract peop to yourself; and then you must SELL YOURSELF TO THEM. I am not a fisherman; but I do know enough to understand that in order to reel the fish in, you have got to have them hooked. One of the best way to hook a prospect is by appealing to their emotions. As Human Beings, we are emotional creatures. The deeper we are able to engage the passions, and emotions of the people we are talking to, the better chance we have of forming a relationship or bond with them. As you listen to an Individual talk about what is important to them; what drives them; what their dreams, needs, worries, and goals are; and you are able to tell a story which relates to their dreams, needs, worries, and goals; this will paint a picture in their mind. They wll be able to relat to you. This will start the process of building the relationship, forming that bond, and implanting that hook in their jaw. You will then have a good chance to reel them in, and to accomplish your purpose in talking to and prospecting them.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Because finances, along with time and health are what most worry about: financial freedom and money are valid reasons for starting a Home Business. But is it enough to fully describe a persons whole heartfelt motivation, or as some people would term it, their 'WHY? Money is a medium of exchange. As such it is necessary to have in order to exist in this world. But money can't buy us Happiness. It cant buy us Peace of Mind, Contentment; and it certainly can't buy us passage into the Paradise of God after we pass from this earth. Money is not evil in itself, but "The love of money is the root of all evil". Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, once said, and it has come down today in the form of a proverb, "Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings. They fly away as an eagle toward heaven." Being a Christian, I am an avid Bible reader. Jesus Christ said during his ministry, written in the New Testament, "Give and it shall be given unto you; pressed down, shaken together, full and running over; shall all men give unto your bosom." This is an ="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">unchangible law of God's Universe. This runs through all realms of life, and reaches all people; even to those who don't believe in God. This confirms the saying of Zig Ziglar, "If you help enough people get what they want; You'll get what you want." Network Marketing is not a sales business. It is a relationship building business. In order to build lasting relationships, they must be based on trust and confidence. In another way of speaking, I guess that you could say that Network Marketing IS a sales business. WE MUST SELL OURSELVES. We must show them that we care; that we are ready to serve them. We must give of ourselves to the other person in order to help them Achieve whatever level of success that they are looking for. This is the only way that we can find and maintain Lasting Success ourselves in this industry.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


My dreams and goals are lofty and noble; my aim in life is to walk on high ground; I am solitary, and can fly alone if I have to...These attributes speak of an EAGLE I have a SOLDIER'S heart. I am a Christian Soldier. Every avenue of life is a war. I am engaged in Warfare every day of my life. I am a real person; fighting like a gladiator in arena of life. Among the highest aspirations that I hold is the aim of being able to help other people achieve their dreams; and enable them to become a success in things that really matter in life; becoming the person which their Creator intended and created them to be. The World of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), and Direct Marketing (DM) is a JUNGLE!. There are a plethora and a confusing maze of Business Opportunities in the MLM and DM fields which will ear prospective Home Business Buildiers alive, and will cause them to flounder,sink and eventually end up in a watery grave unless they can find a MENTOR, or Pilot who can help them steer their Vessel through the rough choppy seas. I am offering myself to be that MENTOR. I will have a listening ear, and offer to you a heart that cares about your SUCCESS. I will help you Celebrate your Triumphs, and help to research your Failures for you so that they don't happen again. I will make your Dreams and Goals, my Dreams and Goals and will help you accomplish them

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Where I'm coming from; a brief profile

17 JULY 2007 Since this is a brand new blog, I have chosen today to relate a part of my story and background which paints a picture of who I am, and why I am writing this blog. I have worked 23.5 years for a rather large and notorious U.S. Government Agency. This, when added to the 4 years I spent on Active Duty with the military means I have 27.5 years as a Federal Government Employee. Nearly 8 years ago I accepted an extra duty assignment as an office resource person and a 'Super-User' for several of the Computer Systems and Computerized programs which we use in this rather large and notorious U.S. Government Agency. My responsibilities were to help my fellow employees navigate through these ss="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">sometimes user unfriendly, but necessary systems; and to assist them in resolving whatever problems might come up. As you know, if you've ever worked on a computer; and I assume that you have, because you are reading this post online; how frustrating and disconcerting it can be when computer problems come. It today's world you can't live without technology; and many times you can't live with it either. If you job depends on using a computer systme, and you encounter problems such as: forgetting a password, or having the system crash; not having the proper codes to access the information that you are needing; it can be disconcerting at best. It can fill a person with anxiety and can ruin their outlook for the entire day. My discovery was when I sat down with these people and helped them resolve their problems and issues with these somewhat "unfriendly and contankerous" systems that it did something for me. It lifted me up and gave me a charge of exhilaration which propelled me through the day. It gave me new meaning and purpose to my job. It certainly was for me, a great motivator. Recently, upon arrival at the Chicago Greyhound Bus Terminal, being concerned about the departure of the bus that I would need to take to continue my journey. I went over to the large television monitor on which they have listed the Departures and Arrivals. All of a sudden, an individual who was out of breath, and very obviously anxious about catching his next bus asked me if I could help him read the screen. In a matter of a half a minute or less I showed him when his bus would be departing and at what gate he should wait for it. The look of gratitude that came over his face, his expression of thanks, and sigh of relief were a blessing to me. I had made that person's day, and his response certainly made my day. I will be sharing about the task of building a Network Marketing business and relating it to the light that I've gathered and the experiences that I've had thoughout my 54 years thus far on this planet. If I can help you succeed in your endeavor; If I can help you change your life, then I will have intense fulfillment, and my life will be the better for it