Friday, February 8, 2013


    I don't subscribe to the Conspiracy theory of history.  There is a lot of folk that do.  They say that there is a conspiracy behind everything that happens; like what happened on 9/11, or the Kennedy Assassination.  I do believe that Satan, or Lucifer, commonly known as the devil is conspiring to keep mankind blinded, and in darkness so that he can land as many souls as possible in the Lake of Fire.  One method that he uses in doing this is by keeping the minds of men off of the real issues of life by keeping humanity hyped to a fever pitch with the 'current events' which are happening.  The media of today is a puppet of the devil in stoking the paranoia and concern of people.  
     For example:  This week, it was reported that Great Lakes water levels are down, and levels on Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron are at their lowest points in Decades.  On Monday, one of the Detroit talk radio hosts was interviewing a person supposedly in the know about this.  Frank Beckmann, asked the expert specifically twice about how deep, and how shallow these affected bodies of water have become.  And this expert evaded giving specific depths, which indicates to me at least, that this expert was raising the anxiety levels of the listeners by indicating a problem, and not giving too much in the way of specific information.
    Whenever we have a tragic occurence happening in America, like for instance, the shooting tragedy at Newtown Connecticut, the media won't let go of it.  They hype it up by appealing to the anxiety levels of their listeners.

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