We are told that today, 1 out of every 2 marriages end up in divorce. Why is this? In the sacred bond of God given holy matrimony, as I might add, between a Man and a Woman, two people are joined together as one. People are not staying married because neither one of them knows, and can live with themselves." How can a person live with another if they've never been in-touch with themselves, and know who they are?
In the every day flak of this war we call life, it is a daily struggle for the individual to rightly discern who they really are. We are created by God as special creations. He has a unique purpose for each person individually. But it is the Devil's purpose as he is God's, and our adversary, to obfuscate and cloud God's purpose for us so that we will go through life and never discover it. The devil tries to keep us so off course, that we never discover WHO WE ARE! We live our entire lives that way, never being in-touch with our real selves.
Every day, we need to Cry Out to GOD and ask him to show us:
- Who We Are
- For Which Purpose did He create us
- In what Direction should we be headed
If we are real Christians, our job and mission is to be a light to others so that they can be rescued and saved from the terrible eternal fate that awaits them if they go to the Final Judgement unprepared. We must be strong in order to be of any use to others. How can we rescue others when we ourselves are on sinking sand, and under water. Therefore it is imperative that we discover are true selves; and once we learn who we are, we hold that ground and never give in. It Is A Fight To The End.
"This above all: to thine ownself be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
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