Wednesday, February 13, 2013


    As I've said before, I believe that the God of the Bible, and our creator has a special plan and purpose for each of us, that one we as individuals can fill.  And he fitted each of us with: talents, gifts; and abilities, and interests that intersect and correspond with God's plan and purpose for us. When we engage in activities that demand our special talent, the brain releases chemicals which trigger satisfaction as an incentive to continue in this area.  It is a positive reinforcement mechanism that is all part of God's perfect design for us.

    Our unique conglomeration of character, talents, and life experiences and personality merge and spark a dream within each of us.  The more we engage in our strengths, the more crystallized our ultimate vision becomes. 

    With this God given dream implanted on our minds, we become self directed, with less need for motivation from the outside world.  Self discipline comes virtually without effort.

    The sad thing is, most people chose to 'keep up with the Jones' and compete with other, rather than compete with theseselve; kick above their heads, and max out their God given abilities, and talents, never discover who they really area.  They never arrive at their Genius.  They wind up in the wrong race.  And once they have three kids, a second home, and have twenty years invested in their current occupation they feel locked in, and trapped. Sadly,  the majority of these people will never put forth the effort to break out of their prison and discover their true identity.

*The thoughts in this post were taken from the book, 'Success is No Accident' by Tommy Newberry-Chapter 2

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