Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Real Authentic and Individual Me

I read somewhere just today that the ultimate creative act is to express what is most Authentic and Individual about myself. So I made the decision that for my first blog post of 2009, I would paint a picture of what is most authentic and individual about me. I am a 'green' personality. In the vocabulary of personality study, I would be called a 'melancholy'; although I am not at all melancholy. I have been an optimist, and a positive thinker my entire life for as far back as I can remember. I am very self contained and keep to myself and somewhat indirect. Although, I feel like I have a book inside of me which I need to share with others. So I can't be that indirect. I hate political correctness. I like to state exactly what is on my mind. One of the things currently which drives me bananas is the emphasis on being enviromentally conscious or 'green'. Sure I believe that we need to protect the environment in which we have to live; but today, too many people are going overboard. In my opinion Rush Limbaugh is correct when he calls such people 'Environmentalist Whackos'. Like I said above, I keep to myself. There are alot of times when I enjoy being with people. I enjoy talking with and relate to all kinds of people; but I consider myself solitary, like an eagle. I enjoy my own company. When I travel I travel by myself. It doesn't bother me to go out to dinner by myself. I keep my own counsel. I am a critical thinker. I don't follow the crowd, and I don't care what people think about me. I don't want to be like anybody else. I want to be who I am. I want to be the person that God made to me. I am a Spiritual person. I prize highly above everything else to be spiritually minded. Thirty years ago, I was born-again, and met the God of the universe. To be like Jesus, and to be pleasing to Him. That is the focus of my life If you are in business, especially the network marketing business, you've got to connect with people. You've got to BE YOURSELF to connect with people. If you are not yourself, people will turn you off. You've got to be Authentic, and Individual.

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