Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The following anecdote is taken from the life of President Dwight David Eisenhower who was also a famous US General during World War II where he was the Supreme Allied Commander in charge of the D-Day, Normandy invasion of France on June 06, 1944.

    "After the successful landings in France, Eisenhower was inspecting a British section of the Allied lines when German planes came over and strafed them.  The party dived for cover.  As soon as it was safe to emerge, a senior British officer hurried across to see if Eisenhower was all right.  Finding him unharmed, he expressed his relief in fervent terms.  Ike thanked him for his solicitude.  "Oh," said the officer, "my concern was just that nothing should happen to you in my sector." "  1

     This senior British officer was only concerned that nothing should happen to General Eisenhower on his watch, in his sector.

      On September 11, 2012, on the 11th year anniversary of the 911 attacks, our Consulate in Benghazi Libya was attacked maliciously and premeditatively by terrorists.  Our Ambassador, and three other brave Americans were brutally murdered.  The present administration tried to say that some sort of anti-muslim, anti-Mohammed video was to blame and that the attack was spontaneous.  The administration deliberately obfuscated, stonewalled, and held back the truth from the American People, because they were in the middle of a re-election bid and a second term for President Barak Hussein Obama.  They thought that the truth would look bad and diminish the Presidents chances...FOR SHAME, FOR SHAME!.  I HATE POLITICS! 

1 The anecdote from President Eisenhowers life was take from "The Little Brown Book of Anecdotes"  page 188. General Editor Clifton Fadiman

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