Friday, February 1, 2013


     I served a 4 year enlistment in the US Army from 07/27/1981-07/26/1985.  I went to West Germay in January 1983.  I went there with a group of people that I spent nearly a year with in an intensive language program.   When we got to Germany we went through two orientation.   We had to go through an orientation into the German Community.  Then we had to go through an orientation at the US Army Field Station where we were going to work.  This site was a Military Intelligence site that had a LIVE intelligence mission going on 24/7/365-round the clock.  All together the orientations that we went through lasted a month.  The purpose of this time was to help us to feel that we were part of a team; and to assuage, if partially at least, the strangeness that we all felt of being in a strange culture.
    We are social creatures.  Some of us are loners.  But even loners in the depth of their souls get lonely sometimes and long for companionship.  I put myself in the category of somewhat a loner. I've learned to live with myself I don't mind being by myself.  I live by myself.    Okay, I have three cats as houseguests.   Most of the time I travel by myself, eat meals by myself.  I don't HAVE to be with anybody.  But I am a people person; as contradictory as it seems.   I love to network and get to know others.  So God made us to be team members who can work with, and live in harmony with others.

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