Thursday, January 31, 2013


      My parents had 4 children; 2 boys & 2 girls.  I am the oldest, as I came at the beginning of the procession-boy, girl, boy, girl.  My childhood began in the mid 1950's, and extended until 1971.  My parents took us to a Methodist Church in Ferndale, Michigan-which is a suburb of Detroit.  This church, being a Methodist Church, from my perspective now as a born-again Christian was not very spiritual or evangelistic at all.  However, when I was five years old-this would have been about 1958, my Sunday School Teacher for the kindergarten class was a woman named Ethel Hill.  I don't remember that much about her except she was very small of stature, and she was a very pious lady.  She was teaching us in Sunday School that God had a perfect plan for each of our lives.  I remember at that time, I had a special awareness from God that He indeed did have a special plan for my life  I had no idea at that point how I would find God's plan, but I knew that I wanted to find it.  It was very special to me, that the God of the Universe had a  special purpose for my existance-shoes that he wanted me to fill, that no-one else could wear.  I believed that he has guided me in my life so far.  He lead me to a place where I could hear the truth and get saved and sanctified.
     I've lived for 60 years; I retired from my job, and already lived a lot of my life.  But I am still excited that God can use my life, in the time  I have left


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