Wednesday, January 16, 2013

R E T I R E D !

   R E T I R E D !

     As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I retired from my job with Internal Revenue Service on July 31, 2012.  Soon it will be 6 months ago.  Ten years ago in 2003, my retiring was not even on the radar screen.  I knew that I had over twenty years in; however my focus was moving ahead with my career; trying to upgrade my position if possible.   The defined benefit annuity that one receives with a Federal pension is defined by the highest 3 years of salary.  
     Late in 2006, I received a communication telling me that I was eligible to attend a pre-retirement seminar, which I attended in December of that year.  The very next day, after the seminar, as I was getting ready to go to work that morning, the picture came to me:  "I don't have retirement on the radar screen yet.  I need to think about a date.  I've been telling every one that I wanted to work for ten more  years.  I will go ahead and set a date of 12/31/2016."
     As I've mentioned before in this blog, on April 1st, 2008, I was hit by a car as a pedestrian-with both of my legs broken.  As I was in hospital, recovering, the picture came clear to me that quite possibly I could retire a lot sooner.  I was in the process of  paying the required deposit to include my 4 active duty years in the military with my civilian government service time.  I was making installment payment, and the process which I started in late 2006 was liable to take several more years.   When I finish the transaction- which will add four more years to my time in service, and the time that will elapse in the time it takes me to finish paying the depositwhy I just might be able to retire sooner that what I envisioned  
    As it turned out, I finished paying off the 'military deposit' in January 2011.   To be fully eligible for voluntary retirement under the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) one must be at least age 55 with 30 years of service; or age 60 with at least 20 years of service.  With the 4 years of military active duty added to my service time, I became fully eligible for retirement on September 15, 2011.  As soon as I hit that plateau, I asked different people to pray that God would show me how much longer I should work.
   When January 01, 2012 rolled around, I had absolutely no idea that I would be retiring in 2012.  I was still of the mindset that I wanted to possibly work 3-5 years longer, and upgrade my position if I could.
   Something happened in March of 2012 which indicated to me that I should retire before 2012 was out.  Because I've believed that God created me for a special purpose, and that He has a plan for my life, I maintain that He answered prayer on my behalf; opened the door and made the decision  for me.
     Now that I am through the door, and safely on the other side, I am extremely happy, and have full awareness that it was God's plan that I retired when i did.
    This is a new chapter in my life, and I am ready for new adventures as I continue the Journey to fulfill the purpose God has for my life.

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